Connect with your loved ones.

Mediumship Reading

Since your loved one passed, you’ve been consumed with grief. You miss them terribly and constantly wonder, “Are they okay?” You need some sort of reassurance that they’re free from their physical or emotional pain to have some peace of mind. 

You have a longing to connect, and you just wish that you could tell them something or ask them a question.

Or maybe you’re simply curious about the possibility of life after our physical death, and after some unexplained experience — you want to know, “Was that my loved one or was it my imagination?”

You’d like the chance to connect with them and understand how our loved ones might leave signs and messages for us.

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult parts of life. The rollercoaster of emotions is real. 

What if you could connect with your passed-on loved ones? How would that make you feel?

Imagine feeling like your loved one has stepped into the room. Just knowing that your loved one is okay and around you during the many important moments in your life feels like a comforting hug. 

It feels reassuring to have some piece of mind that your loved one is okay and even happy in the spirit world. You trust that they’re still a big part of your life, even though they’re in another form. Now even though you still miss them, when you see signs, it brings a knowing smile to your face. It’s comforting to feel their presence still there.

Any concerns you had about them suffering have melted away. 

For the first time, you’re reassured by the knowledge of what happens to our souls after death. 

Now, you can finally begin the grieving process and start moving forward. It feels like a weight has been lifted off your chest. Even though you still have your tears and sadness, you’re starting to smile as you remember your precious memories together.

Reuniting with your loved ones who are in the spirit world with the assistance of a medium can bring healing and assist with the grieving process. 

Evidential Mediumship Reading

A mediumship reading is a 30 or 50 minute private session where we’ll attempt to connect to your loved ones in the spirit world to help bring comfort, reassurance, and healing.

I’m Michele, an evidential medium who connects with the spirit world to bring the essence of your loved ones through to you. I receive pieces of information from your loved ones that you can easily recognize such as their personality, favorite places, hobbies or just how much they loved you. 

Through this exchange, you’ll have the vital information to know who I’m communicating with so that I can facilitate a reunion for you.

Although all mediumship readings are individualized and personal, after your reading, if we’re able to connect, you’ll find that you:

  • Know that your loved one is okay

  • Possibly learn what signs your loved ones are sharing with you, letting you know they’re with you

  • Find some peace within you about life after our physical death

  • Allow the process of healing to initiate

  • Know that you’re not crazy when you feel your loved one around you

  • Start to learn how to have a different type of relationship with your loved one in spirit

Here is what you might experience with a mediumship reading:

  • We will meet to connect to your loved ones in spirit and bring forth evidence to solidify who is communicating with you. And maybe someone will surprise you with a visit.

  • After I’ve allowed enough time for your loved ones to bring what information they want you to know, I will ask you if you have any questions or concerns you would like your loved one to communicate. 

  • If desired, a week or two later, we can have a 20 minute check-in by phone, email or Zoom. Where we can chat or I can offer you some coaching around a specific question or concern.

Please Note: I will give your reading my utmost attention to bring you the healing you need. I can’t always guarantee that I can connect with the exact loved one you’re wishing to hear from. It doesn’t mean that your loved one isn't around — they’re around you. I just might not be able to recognize or connect with their personality.

Book your session

Investment: 30 minutes $75

        50 minutes $125

Here’s how to book your Mediumship Reading: 

  1. Click to select your preferred session, select your call time, and make your payment. (Note: all times are in EST)

  2. You will be provided with a zoom link for the session time unless you prefer a different modality such as phone call or skype

  3. Come with an open mind and an open heart. Relax and enjoy! This is for you.

A spirit note: If you can’t find a time in the schedule, please Contact Me